Shortcode – UX Banner grid

Banner Grid


[col span="6"]
[ux_banner height="600px" bg=""] [/ux_banner]

[col span="3" ]
[ux_banner height="600px" bg=""] [/ux_banner]

[col span="3" ]
[ux_banner height="292px" bg=""] [/ux_banner]

[col span="3"]
[ux_banner height="292px" bg=""] [/ux_banner]


3-column Banner Row


[col span=1/3]
[ux_banner link="http://localhost:8888/test/blog/" bg="http://imageurl" hover="zoom" height="160px"]
<h2 class="uppercase">Weekly Giveaway</h2>

[col  span=1/3]
[ux_banner link="http://localhost:8888/test/blog/" bg="http://imageurl" hover="zoom" height="160px"]
<h2 class="uppercase">Join our  competition</h2>

[col span=1/3]
[ux_banner link="http://localhost:8888/test/pages/about-us/" bg="http://imageurl" hover="zoom" height="160px"]
<h2 class="uppercase">ABOUT US </h2>


Banner Grid Style with slider


[col span="9"]

[ux_banner bg="imageurl" height="600px" link="" animation="flipInX" text_align="center" text_pos="center" text_color="light" text_width="80%" ]
Slide content

[ux_banner bg="imageurl" height="600px" link="" animation="flipInX" text_align="center" text_pos="center" text_color="light" text_width="80%" ]
Slide content


[col span="3" ]
[ux_banner height="292px" link="#" bg="http://imageurl" hover="fade"]
<h1 class="animated fadeInLeft uppercase">NEW JEANS IN STOCK</h1>

[col span="3"]
[ux_banner height="292px" link="#" bg="http://imageurl" hover="fade"]
<h1 class="animated fadeInLeft uppercase">SHOP MEN SALE</h1>


Banner Grid Style with slider


[col span="6"]

[ux_banner bg="imageurl" height="600px" link="" animation="flipInX" text_align="center" text_pos="center" text_color="light" text_width="80%" ]
Slide content

[ux_banner bg="imageurl" height="600px" link="" animation="flipInX" text_align="center" text_pos="center" text_color="light" text_width="80%" ]
Slide content


[col span="3" ]
[ux_banner height="600px" link="#" bg="http://imageurl" hover="fade"]
<h1 class="animated fadeInLeft uppercase">NEW JEANS IN STOCK</h1>

[col span="3" ]
[ux_banner height="292px" link="#" bg="http://imageurl" hover="fade"]
<h1 class="animated fadeInLeft uppercase">NEW JEANS IN STOCK</h1>

[col span="3"]
[ux_banner height="292px" link="#" bg="http://imageurl" hover="fade"]
<h1 class="animated fadeInLeft uppercase">SHOP MEN SALE</h1>


7.774 thoughts on “Shortcode – UX Banner grid

  1. SVSThari says:

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